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Project 2: Tectonics: Design Principles, Anthropometric and Ergonomic Exploration.

Brief: From project 1, we are required to produce a Tectonic scaled model and further develop our understanding of the design principles, processes and approaches in generating ideas, developing the design and translating it into a different form to explore the tectonical expressions of timber and the dimensions of the body. 

Outcome: Tectonic scaled model (Scale 1:10-1: 20) , joinery details (Scale 1:1) x 1nos , 2 x A6 tattoo stamps

Tectonic Models

Concept: Offers 360-degree panoramic views of surrounding and influence of architecture that appeals to human innate connections to curved elements

Intention: Experiences human and nature connected to each other that provides relaxation and human interaction.

Tattoo Stamps


Joinery Details

© archi by Swee Choo.

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