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Project 1: Famous Architect's Building

Brief: An individual assessment that required us to design a solitary haven using timber as the main material that will be located at Subang Ria Recreational Park where users can access nature as well as spaces for them to live and work comfortably during the 14 quarantine days. Analyzing and interpreting the site context into diagrams are important to understand the physical factors ensuring the building makes the best use of the natural resources.

Outcome: Architectural diagrams and orthographic drawings that are compiled in 3 A1 landscape presentation boards aided with the design narration, 1:100 scale final physical model with closed-up views of interesting building parts. 

@archi by Swee Choo


As typical for any architectural project, this assignment involved a long process of rejection. After doing several mock-up models and research of different precedent studies that were useful for my design inspiration, I have finally concluded my final stage of design with the help of my tutor which she gave a lot of feedback and suggestions on ways to improve my design. Although it was quite exhausting and difficult for me to work on a design that has to take into consideration the relationship between design and the context individually, instead I have gained a lot of lessons for the past 7 weeks. I have learned how to manage my time wisely while having other modules to focus on and the importance of having a positive mindset despite working alone at the same time getting several rejections on design. I hope I can improve myself in terms of confidence in my own design and make it possible by having strong supporting points to conform with the critic's opinions.


© archi by Swee Choo.

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